Pixels To Bytes Converter
This is a free online converter that you can use to convert Pixels (px) to Bytes for free. A byte is a unit of digital information that most commonly consists of eight bits.
A byte is a unit of measurement of the amount of computer data. It always consists of eight bits (that is to say eight “0” or “1”, and allows information to be encoded. The main task of the byte is to store a character (it can be a number, a letter, etc.).
How to use pixels to bytes converter
First, enter width and height values in pixels
Second, choose bit depth value
Finally, click on the convert button
Video Tutorial: How To Use Pixels To Bytes Converter
How to calculate image file size in bytes?
it is very easy! you can calculate image size in bytes either online in one step using the converter above, or manually using this formula:
Image size in Bytes = (width in pixels*height in pixels*bit depth)/8
but we recommend to you the online converter to convert pixels to bytes because it is fast and accurate.