Pixel To Rem Converter
This free converter can be used to convert pixels (px) to rem units. please type the base value and the pixels (px) value that you want to convert to rem and simply click on the convert button!
How to use pixel to rem converter
First, enter the base value
Second, enter the pixels value
Finally, click on the convert button
Video tutorial: How to use pixels to rem converter
What is the Rem unit and how do you convert pixels to Rem?
Rem is an abbreviation for Root em. Rem is relative to the base size of the root element and it is constant throughout the document.
Rem unit is usually used in CSS development.
you can use this equation to convert pixel to Rem: Rem = pixel/base size.
For example, if the pixel in your work is 24 and the base size is 16, and you want to convert px to rem manually: Rem=24/16=1.5.
but we recommend using the online px to rem converter because it is fast and more accurate.
What is the difference between Rem and Em units?
Em unit is directly relative to the text size, while Rem is relative to the root size.
Pixels to Rem conversion table if the base size is 16
This is a chart for px to rem conversion results which developers usually use if the base size is 16.
Pixel | Rem |
1 px | 0.0625 rem |
2 px | 0.125 rem |
3 px | 0.1875 rem |
4 px | 0.25 rem |
5 px | 0.3125 rem |
6 px | 0.375 rem |
7 px | 0.4375 rem |
8 px | 0.5 rem |
9 px | 0.5625 rem |
10 px | 0.625 rem |
11 px | 0.6875 rem |
12 px | 0.75 rem |
13 px | 0.8125 rem |
14 px | 0.875 rem |
15 px | 0.9375 rem |
16 px | 1 rem |
17 px | 1.0625 rem |
18 px | 1.125 rem |
19 px | 1.1875 rem |
20 px | 1.25 rem |
21 px | 1.3125 rem |
22 px | 1.375 rem |
23 px | 1.4375 rem |
24 px | 1.5 rem |
25 px | 1.5625 rem |