Megapixel To Resolution Converter

Megapixel To Resolution Converter

This is a professional online converter which you can use to convert megapixel to resolution. You can use this converter to convert any megapixel value to resolution easily!

Megapixel (MP):

Aspect ratio (Ratio width and height):


How To Use Megapixel To Resolution Converter

First, enter the megapixel value

Second, enter aspect ratio value

Third, click on convert

How to calculate resolution from megapixel?

You can convert megapixel to resolution in many ways, the most common methods are automatically and manually.

Automatically, using our online converter to convert megapixel to resolution.

Manually, using megapixel to resolution conversion formula:

The resolution = Width in pixel X height in pixel

and to calculate width in pixel use:

Width in pixel = √(Aspect ratio * megapixel value * 1000000)

and to calculate height in pixel use:

Height in pixel = √(1/Aspect ratio * megapixel value * 1000000)

We recommend to use the online automatic converter because it is fast, free and accurate.

Megapixel To Resolution Converter

Megapixel To Resolution Table

This is a list for most common results of megapixel to resolution conversion in 3:2 , 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.

> >
Megapixel (MP) Resolution at 3:2 Respect Ratio Resolution at 4:3 Respect Ratio Resolution at 16:9 Respect Ratio
0.3 Megapixel 671 X 447 632 X 474 730 X 411
0.9 Megapixel 1162 X 775 1095 X 822 1265 X 712
1 Megapixel 1225 X 816 1155 X 866 1333 X 750
2 Megapixel 1732 X 1155 1633 X 1225 1886 X 1061
6 Megapixel 3000 X 2000 2828 X 2121 3266 X 1837
8 Megapixel 3464 X 2309 3266 X 2449 3771 X 2121
10 Megapixel 3873 X 2582 3651 X 2739 4216 X 2372
12 Megapixel 4243 X 2828 4000 X 3000 4619 X 2598
13 Megapixel 4416 X 2944 4163 X 3122 4807 X 2704
14 Megapixel 4583 X 3055 4320 X 3240 4989 X 2806
16 Megapixel 4899 X 3266 4619 X 3464 5333 X 3000
18 Megapixel 5196 X 3464 4899 X 3674 5657 X 3182
20 Megapixel 5477 X 3651 5164 X 3873 5963 X 3354
24 Megapixel 6000 X 4000 5657 X 4243 6532 X 3674
26 Megapixel 6245 X 4163 5888 X 4416 6799 X 3824
30 Megapixel 6708 X 4472 6325 X 4743 7303 X 4108
32 Megapixel 6928 X 4619 6532 X 4899 7542 X 4243
40 Megapixel 7746 X 5164 7303 X 5477 8433 X 4743
45 Megapixel 8216 X 5477 7746 X 5809 8944 X 5031
50 Megapixel 8660 X 5774 8165 X 6124 9428 X 5303
576 Megapixel 29394 X 19596 27713 X 20785 32000 X 18000